Media Releases
JOINT MEDIA RELEASE: Palestinian human rights organisations launch court action to reveal ‘secret’ arms exports from Australia to Israel
Palestinian human rights groups, Al-Haq, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) have launched legal action in the Federal Court of Australia. The human rights groups seek access to all permits allowing the export of arms and weapons to Israel that have been granted by the Minister for Defence since 7 October 2023. The application is supported by the Australian Centre for International Justice (ACIJ).
This is the first legal challenge attempting to shed light on arms exports permits in Australia.
Joint Statement: Australian Civil Society Statement in Solidarity with Gaza
A joint statement released today signed by more than 80 civil society organisations in Australia calls on the Australian government to act on the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
In the statement, the organisations ask for Australia to immediately call for a ceasefire and for an end to the targeting of civilians in Gaza.
MEDIA RELEASE: Launch of Policy Paper ‘Challenging Impunity: Why Australia Needs a Permanent, Specialised International Crimes Unit’
28 September 2023 The Australian Centre for International Justice has launched the landmark policy paper, ‘Challenging Impunity: Why Australia Needs a Permanent, Specialised International’ Crimes Unit’. The paper explores the rise in domestic accountability processes...
Joint Media Release: Civil society, journalists, unions, lawyers and ex-judges call for an end to whistleblower prosecutions
12 September 2023 Joint Media Release: Civil society, journalists, unions, lawyers and ex-judges call for an end to whistleblower prosecutions More than 70 organisations and individuals have signed a letter to the Australian government, published in newspapers today,...
Joint Media Release: NGOs welcome Aussie coal company suspension of privatisation, amid concerns that court case against government undermines sanctions laws
5 July 2023 Joint Media Release: NGOs welcome Aussie coal company suspension of privatisation, amid concerns that court case against government undermines sanctions laws The Australian Centre for International Justice and Transparency International Australia welcome...
Joint Media Release: Granting sanctions permit to Aussie coal company in Russia could enrich Putin
21 June 2023 Joint Media Release: Granting permit to Aussie coal company in Russia could enrich Putin The Australian Government must refuse ASX listed, Tigers Realm Coal’s application for a permit to avoid sanctions, or risk money flowing to Putin’s bloody war in...
Joint Media Release: Truth triumphs in Ben Roberts-Smith war crimes defamation verdict
1 June 2023 Joint Press Release: Truth triumphs in Ben Roberts-Smith war crimes defamation verdict Today, the Federal Court of Australia delivered its judgment in the defamation case brought by former SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith against The Age, Sydney Morning...
Media Release: Action urged on ongoing human rights violations in India ahead of Narendra Modi’s visit to Australia
The Australian Centre for International Justice filed a follow-up submission to the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, urging again that three individuals be sanctioned for their involvement in serious abuses of human rights in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.
Joint Media Release: ACIJ, JFM and Stop Adani urge Adani Group to responsibly divest from their military-linked businesses in Myanmar
4 May 2023 Joint Media Release: ACIJ, JFM and Stop Adani urge Adani Group to responsibly divest from their military-linked businesses in Myanmar The Australian Centre for International Justice (ACIJ), Justice For Myanmar and Stop Adani condemn Adani Ports &...